Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Confidence Will Get You Everywhere


This little .GIF image from The Office probably made you feel good didn't it? Well, that's what a combination of comedy and compliments will do for ya. You see, in order to feel good about yourself you don't need this deep, life-altering experience or revelation. You can prepare for that big date or interview by taking little steps throughout the day to help boost your confidence.

  • Do a good deed every day.
  • Dress to impress.
  • Look in the mirror and note all the things you like about yourself
  • When you begin feeling nervous or anxious, think about your goal whether that be getting that chick or landing that job.
  • Accept compliments and say thank you.
  • Practice smiling. Even if it looks stupid, if you smile even when you aren't happy, you'll begin to feel happy because of others' reactions to your glow.
  • Develop your skills and learn something new.
  • Push your shoulders back. Raise your shoulders to your ears slowly and tightly; hold them there and them drop your shoulders back. You will feel relaxed and look confident.
  • Take deep, long breaths when under pressure. Close your eyes if you need to.
  • Uncross your arms and stand tall. This will better show off your body and make you appear confident.
  • Spend time with yourself. Get to know yourself. Once you develop interests that you can do by yourself and begin to not need someone with you at all times, you will learn to love yourself and cherish the time you spend with you. If you don't have fun with you, how can you expect others to?
  • Begin approaching attractive strangers. Strike up a conversation and realize that good friends and relationships are never out of your reach.
  • Try something new that you never thought you could do. Attempt it and practice. If you suck at math, work at it. If you always wanted to run a marathon but never thought you had the endurance, practice.
  • Break your own boundaries, challenge yourself and you will know that you are capable of doing whatever you want.
No one is stopping you but YOU. Love yourself and you can do anything.
Here are some things you might want to look up that will help you in gaining self-confidence:
1. Neuro Linguistic Programming: This is a powerful and highly influential form of behavioral psychology that can be used to both manipulate others and change yourself for the better. It involves very subtle trigger words and body movements as well as simple marketing techniques. It teaches you how to both read and use motions, words, and imagery to change yourself and others behaviorally. This, like everything, can be used for good and for bad. Please do not manipulate others. This can hurt them permanently if used incorrectly. Politicians, marketers, and news anchors make adequate use of this tool... so this is very helpful to know for other reasons too.
2. The Law of Attraction: Although this has been linked to the New Age movement, it has roots in psychology and ancient philosophy. The theory says that everything is attracted to us by our thoughts. As crazy as this may sound, think of it in a non-religious way. If thoughts carry a frequency and our body language also portrays how we feel about ourselves, then people will react to that. If we change our body image and concentrate on positive affirmations and feel gratitude and self-love, people will respond to those vibes. There are many tips and suggestions on various websites on how to best change your outlook and thus what you attract into your life.
3. Meditation: This has many benefits including encouraging blood flow, calming the mind, relaxation, increased concentration, and self-realization. There are may meditation techniques from around the world. Find and follow your own bliss. When you are true to what you love and seek in life, you will be happy and confident.

Once you realize that happiness comes from within, you will feel like you don't need that job or person because you already have all you really need. That confidence and drive will attract that someone and land you that job or whatever you seek. The awesome meter never lies... now YOU must see the awesomeness within.
According to Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs, you need that feeling of love and acceptance before you can reach self-actualization... so believe in yourself; it's your key to happiness. You CAN find that special someone, just believe in yourself.

"Whether You Believe You Can, Or You Can't, You Are Right."

-Henry Ford


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