Monday, September 6, 2010

Moscato: best wine ever!

So this weekend, I took a break from being a responisble college mini-adult and went home to be pampered by my mom and baby sister. Naturally one of my mom's favorite ways of pampering me is to treat me to my favorite wine, Moscato Provincia Di Pavis. (Yeah, I know it's kinda a mouth full!) According to my mom, it relaxes me and makes me far more bubbly than I normally am, she's probably right because my throat hurt from talking so much after I finished the bottle. LOL!
Anywho, Moscato is a white wine that is extremely sweet. Meaning you can still taste the grapes that were squished months agos. It also smells divine, kinda like the fruit section of the grocery store. (Though baby sis says it smells like plain old alcohol to her. Pardon her, she is a newbie with the wine stuff after all.)
I'd recommend it to anyone just starting out on their wine travels as well as to hardened veterans.
It's a rather small bottle but it's cheap only $9 at most liquor stores.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cocktail for Chocolate Lovers Who Appreciate Good Beer


Although I like to drink martinis, wine, and champagne, I appreciate a good beer. I prefer dark lagers like Guinness, Newcastle, and Amber Bock, but sometimes like to mix it up a bit. Well, if you're like me and love dark beers and chocolate, you'll go mad over this tasty cocktail. It's called the Irish Car Bomb. Despite it's name, it was not made in Ireland, but it consists of every famous Irish alcoholic beverage: Irish whiskey, Irish cream, and Irish lager. When prepared, this cocktail tastes less like a beer and more like chocolate milk.

Here's how you make it:
1. In a mug pour half or two-thirds of a can or bottle of Guinness.
2. Fill half of a shot glass with Irish whiskey.
3. Fill the rest of the shot glass with Bailey's or any Irish cream.
4. Gently drop the shot glass into the glass of Bailey's.
5. Chug quickly so that the alcohol does not mix. The longer you wait, the worse it tastes. If you do it just right, it should taste like chocolate milk :).

Bottoms up! ...or as the Irish say, Slainte!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Female masturbation -


A little helpful blog that I found today...


The Ultimate Relaxation


Ok, so we all need to relax... right? After all the stresses of work, family obligations, and life in general it’s nice to come home and unwind. But for most people this does not come easily. Most people tend to bring their work home with them which affects how they deal with the folks living with them and with the hobbies and activities they enjoy outside of work. So how do we stop the flash backs of a fight with a coworker or the never ending inventory list from creeping into our private time? You guessed it. We masturbate.

No, seriously. It’s a well known fact that sex is very relaxing for Homo sapiens. If done properly, sex releases endorphins and eases tense muscles. However, some folks find partner sex to be stressful, because of fears of inadequacy or because they struggle to please their partner. Other folks believe that partner sex should only be regulated to times when both partners are in the mood and stress free. So instead of having to worry about pleasing another person or embarrassing ourselves, let’s focus on ourselves for a change.

When masturbating instead of focusing on all the trials of life, focus on what makes you aroused. Concentrate on a particularly juicy fantasy or maybe a memory of a particular hot session of love making. Let your muscles relax and enjoy the ride.

Add in a little help from our favorite toy or CD to really focus our thoughts and BAM, let the relaxation begin.

Happy Trails!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chocolate Eclair Pie


This pie is fantastic! My dad was first served a slice of this rich desert at a religious meeting he attended. The woman who made the desert gave him the recipe. Now he makes it for any event he can. I'm not complaining, it's delicious! It's so good that it's almost hard to believe that it is made with such simple ingredients:
a box of Graham crackers
2 Jello's vanilla pudding packets
a tub of chocolate icing
crushed pecans.
The graham crackers are crushed to make a crust. Two packets of Jello's vanilla pudding are prepared and layered over the crust. More graham crackers are layered over the pudding. The second layer of vanilla pudding is stacked above that. Chocolate icing is stacked over all of that deliciousness. For a final touch, crushed pecans are sprinkled over the layer of icing.
Pop this baby in the fridge for a simple, chilled desert for any occasion. I have some in my fridge right now. Despite my "diet" I think I'm going to go have a slice... or two ;). I can't resist chocolate, especially when it tastes like a chocolate eclair!

Friday, July 16, 2010

8 Flexible Sex Positions That Will Blow Your Mind!


For those of you who enjoy yoga, kama sutra, or just want to explore, this article is for you. Warning: these positions may make you sore. These positions and many more can be found on the iVillage, Sex and Relationships, and Cosmopolitan websites.

  1. Have you and your partner sit down facing each other with your legs parted upward over his shoulders and his legs on the ground by your hands. Balance yourself with your hands as you scoot your bottom into him in a swinging motion. Strong arms and great balance are needed to pull this one off. The tension from balancing will tighten your vagina. The visual of your tits bouncing in the air and your head tilted back will make the experience a fantasy he'll remember. If you want some added difficulty and excitement, try this on a chair. You can let your body dangle backward, like before, with your hands on the floor behind you OR you can hold your ankles and thrust into him with the same motion described above. The former allows for more visual while the latter allows for more tension.
  2. Lay down sideways and have your boyfriend, husband, or play mate lift your top leg over his shoulder. With you remaining on your side, have him insert himself and rock into you, pushing your leg higher up on his shoulder. In this position, the man has extra leverage. Because you are sideways, he can push himself up and down as well as in and out.
  3. Lay in opposite directions facing upward. Have him cross his legs underneath your back to lift you up. Cross your legs under his. Grab each others arms and start tugging. As you tug, you are grinding into each other, swirling around, and feeling every bit of your partner.
  4. As you lay your man down, get on top of him. Place one leg on each side of him. Place your hands on each side of his legs and force your chest upward in an arch. The site of you being so flexible, your hair hitting off of his legs, and your jugs shaking will drive him mad. An alternative to this is to have him sit up, place your elbows on the bed/floor, and push your back into an arch with your hands.
  5. Place a pillow on the floor. Rest your head and forearms on the pillow. As your man lifts your legs, have him hold your ankles by his side, forcing your ass in the air. He has a lovely view of your ass, back, and head. As gravity brings the blood rushing to your head, you give him full control of your motions.
  6. Rest your head on a pillow. Have him kneel in front of you. Place both legs above his shoulders. Make sure your whole body in mid air or on him except for your head and neck on your pillow. This position gives him control over the thrusting and allows you and your partner to make eye contact, though I think his eyes will be on your full body shakes.
  7. As your man stands, lay down on the ground. Have him lift your waist to meet his. Allow only the top of your head and hands touch the ground. Since your waist and stomach are nearest to him, he can stimulate your clit or rub your sides. As with many of the other positions mentioned here, let gravity take it's tole and enjoy the ride ;).
  8. I have saved the horniest position for last! When you and your mate are feeling crazy, have him turn on the dryer or washer or place you on a counter. Lift both feet above his shoulders and go at it. If you are flexible enough, have him hold you close so that your tits can easily hit off his chest. If you decide upon a dryer or washer, the vibrations will drive you both insane and make this passionate, impulsive position even more steamy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chocolate Wine... What Heaven Is Made Of


Chocolate wine?? Yes, the perfect combination of comfort and love has merged into this divine work! Chocolate wine is extremely hard to find unless you are shopping online. The reason such wine is so rare is because chocolate is difficult to temper and flavor better yet to add it to a wine. Chocolate can be added to zinfandel, merlot, syrah, orange, berry wines, and other wines. It is merged most often with zinfandel, merlot, and orange wines.
There are not many brands of chocolate wines as it is fairly difficult to sell on a large scale. Some popular brands that provide chocolate wine include
Chocovine, Rosenblum Cellars, and Wilson Creek. On Google Shopping, prices range from $10 to 26, but prices can be as high as $36 if bought directly from the manufacturer without being a member of their exclusive clubs.
If you don't want to wait to have the wines shipped to you or if you have an elegant date that night, you can opt to make the wine yourself. The Food Network website has an easier alternative to making chocolate wine that anyone can do :D.

Ingredients include:
1 bottle Zinfandel wine,
1 1/2 cups whole milk,
1-ounce quality milk chocolate (finely chopped),
cocoa powder (to garnish).

"In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat boil the wine until reduced by half. Meanwhile, bring the milk to a boil. Place the chocolate in a small mixing bowl and pour the reduced wine over the top and whisk making sure all of the chocolate is melted. Pour half of the hot milk into the chocolate mixture and whisk to blend. With the remaining milk, froth with a hand blender or a milk frother. Pour the chocolate wine mixture into small cups and spoon some of the milk froth over the top, garnish with cocoa powder and serve hot."

I hope you decide to try this for a wedding, party, or hot date. You can't be disappointed with this sensual treat ;P.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Confidence Will Get You Everywhere


This little .GIF image from The Office probably made you feel good didn't it? Well, that's what a combination of comedy and compliments will do for ya. You see, in order to feel good about yourself you don't need this deep, life-altering experience or revelation. You can prepare for that big date or interview by taking little steps throughout the day to help boost your confidence.

  • Do a good deed every day.
  • Dress to impress.
  • Look in the mirror and note all the things you like about yourself
  • When you begin feeling nervous or anxious, think about your goal whether that be getting that chick or landing that job.
  • Accept compliments and say thank you.
  • Practice smiling. Even if it looks stupid, if you smile even when you aren't happy, you'll begin to feel happy because of others' reactions to your glow.
  • Develop your skills and learn something new.
  • Push your shoulders back. Raise your shoulders to your ears slowly and tightly; hold them there and them drop your shoulders back. You will feel relaxed and look confident.
  • Take deep, long breaths when under pressure. Close your eyes if you need to.
  • Uncross your arms and stand tall. This will better show off your body and make you appear confident.
  • Spend time with yourself. Get to know yourself. Once you develop interests that you can do by yourself and begin to not need someone with you at all times, you will learn to love yourself and cherish the time you spend with you. If you don't have fun with you, how can you expect others to?
  • Begin approaching attractive strangers. Strike up a conversation and realize that good friends and relationships are never out of your reach.
  • Try something new that you never thought you could do. Attempt it and practice. If you suck at math, work at it. If you always wanted to run a marathon but never thought you had the endurance, practice.
  • Break your own boundaries, challenge yourself and you will know that you are capable of doing whatever you want.
No one is stopping you but YOU. Love yourself and you can do anything.
Here are some things you might want to look up that will help you in gaining self-confidence:
1. Neuro Linguistic Programming: This is a powerful and highly influential form of behavioral psychology that can be used to both manipulate others and change yourself for the better. It involves very subtle trigger words and body movements as well as simple marketing techniques. It teaches you how to both read and use motions, words, and imagery to change yourself and others behaviorally. This, like everything, can be used for good and for bad. Please do not manipulate others. This can hurt them permanently if used incorrectly. Politicians, marketers, and news anchors make adequate use of this tool... so this is very helpful to know for other reasons too.
2. The Law of Attraction: Although this has been linked to the New Age movement, it has roots in psychology and ancient philosophy. The theory says that everything is attracted to us by our thoughts. As crazy as this may sound, think of it in a non-religious way. If thoughts carry a frequency and our body language also portrays how we feel about ourselves, then people will react to that. If we change our body image and concentrate on positive affirmations and feel gratitude and self-love, people will respond to those vibes. There are many tips and suggestions on various websites on how to best change your outlook and thus what you attract into your life.
3. Meditation: This has many benefits including encouraging blood flow, calming the mind, relaxation, increased concentration, and self-realization. There are may meditation techniques from around the world. Find and follow your own bliss. When you are true to what you love and seek in life, you will be happy and confident.

Once you realize that happiness comes from within, you will feel like you don't need that job or person because you already have all you really need. That confidence and drive will attract that someone and land you that job or whatever you seek. The awesome meter never lies... now YOU must see the awesomeness within.
According to Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs, you need that feeling of love and acceptance before you can reach self-actualization... so believe in yourself; it's your key to happiness. You CAN find that special someone, just believe in yourself.

"Whether You Believe You Can, Or You Can't, You Are Right."

-Henry Ford

5 Effective Flirting Tools + Video


Have you ever gone to a bar or night club, saw a girl that you liked, but missed your chance because you didn't know how to approach her? Have you ever been friends with a girl you secretly wanted? If you have experienced either or both problems, the following advice might prove helpful.
Tip no. 1: Listen and Learn- When a girl talks, listen to her. Don't cut her off or call her stupid for her opinion. Be honest, but not cruel; after all, you are after her heart, not an ego boost. Ask her about herself. Listen attentively and ask questions or make comments where appropriate. Make sure that you are talking one on one. If you are in a group, single her out and turn toward her when talking. This way she knows that your attention is on her. Be sincere and ask about what you want to know about. It sucks to find out when a guy isn't sincere and she will stop speaking to you if you do that. Finding out about her is helpful in figuring out whether or not you want to pursue anything more, so it's in your best interest to take this advice.
Tip no. 2: Smile and Be Playful- Girls like a guy with a sense of humor. After you find out what interests her you can gauge as to what will make her laugh. Be playful and fun. Girls are just as laid back as guys when they feel comfortable. Laughter and a smile WILL encourage comfort and attraction. For you guys who have a great sense of humor, she might not know you are flirting unless you display it more. Try to smile when glancing at her. Don't stare but catch her eye. Make sure she sees you look at her: her hair, her eyes, her mouth, her hands, anything that isn't her breasts or ass, lol! Letting your guard down to tell a joke or smile will demonstrate confidence, make her feel more comfortable, and make you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Don't give her mixed signals by backing off after a good conversation due to lack of confidence. If you DO have to go, tell her good bye and give her a hug. Never just walk off.
Tip no. 3: Shine Through- Be yourself! When taking the above advice, don't pretend to be who you are not. Practice smiling and dressing up prior to your date if you need to feel more comfortable.
Wearing an outfit that will make you feel comfortable or more confident will also help. Also meet her in a place that you know well or that makes you feel at home. Find the little things that will help boost your confidence. Accept compliments and say thanks instead of "That's not true." Let her know that you believe in yourself, so that she can believe in you too. Talk to her about your interests, but make sure to ask about her too. If you only talk about yourself only, you could come off as being arrogant. Feel confident and stick to your guns though. Girls want someone who will be dependable, down to earth, and real.
Tip no. 4: Close the Space Between You- When you are talking, getting to know her, and making her smile, catch her glance and move on in. Don't grope her, lol. Since girls are subtle in flirting, you should be too. Instead of groping her, tickle her, move your leg close to her, lean toward her, sit closer, and/or rest your hand by her side or by her hand. When you do these things, act natural by continuing your conversation with her. Don't grab her hand or put your arm around her unless you gauge that it is okay to do so. NEVER GROPE HER, even as a joke! If you want to smell her or feel more of her, hug her at the end of your meeting. Make sure it is a proper two armed hug. If you had fun then make it a funny hug, but display your wanting to feel her by holding her firmly. Never shake her hand at the end or fist pump.
Tip no. 5: Know When to Back Off- If a girl does not respond or responds negatively, recognize her gestures and back off. Don't try another technique on her, just continue your conversation and don't make any physical gestures to her for the rest of the evening. One thing I have noticed though is that sometimes weird girls play hard to get. You can gauge if that's what she is doing by pulling back more so by turning away when in a group, leaving to talk to your friends then coming back, talking to others and acknowledging her less, etc. I would suggest against this though unless you are looking for a lay because she is an attention whore. It's safer to just back off.
For more help, I have posted this hilarious flirtation advice video from Youtube. In the video, the guy over exaggerates and has fun with it... so don't over exaggerate like in the video but take the advice. Try to let your personality shine through whatever you do, like how this guy tries to be funny when re-enacting a date circumstance.
Happy Hunting :D

How To Know When A Girl Is Into You (Tips + Video)


It actually isn't very difficult to tell if a girl is into you. Girls aren't as forward as guys would want them to be but trust me, we give hints and plenty of them. We display our emotions in various, subtle ways: the way we walk, talk, what we say, and body language. I never realized how much of a problem this was for guys until recently and so this is dedicated to three of my friends who apparently have no idea when a girl actually likes them.
Tip no. 1: Girls rarely state their emotions due to fear of criticism. We tend to state how we feel through body language, jokes, and sarcasm. Read between the lines when talking to us. If you notice that the girl talks about relationships a lot, being lonely, or about how you make them feel, she might be interested. Be aware though that girls give a lot of compliments to their friends. Girls will typically look at you and smile or blush, or look away in a shy manner when paying you a compliment that is meant in a more than friendly way.
Tip no. 2: Girls flirt A LOT. They flirt with guys that they don't even have a real interest in. Girls flirt with guys for many reasons: the guy is cute, the guy is interesting, the guy has money, the guy is there, or the girl needs attention or affection. Try talking to her to determine which of these categories you fall into. Don't be offended if you aren't in the category you want to be in, just take it as a compliment and move on. Some girls are flirts in general and will hit on or hint at any guy or girl. Be aware of these girls and try to avoid them, even if they appear to have similar interests. Dating a flirt can be dangerous to the heart as trust will become an issue. If you decide to date a flirt, just be careful and encourage openness in your relationship.
Tip no. 3: Just because a girl likes you doesn't mean she wants to be with you. This may sound stupid and insane but it is true. Sometimes girls will like things about you or genuinely like you but something either in their own life or about your life might prevent them from pursuing anything more with you. Try to find out what the problem is and find a remedy if possible... if you really want the girl. If you don't think she is worth the hassle, don't dwell on it or get upset; move on.
Tip no. 4: I saved this for last because this is the most obvious and subtle of all hints: body language. All girls flirt differently but there are common themes. Girls will try to demonstrate either confidence or shyness to attract a guy. She might try to be one of the guys or more seductive. ALL girls will laugh, blush, smile, glance and look away, or fiddle. Here is a video I found that is helpful. I love these videos because they are so corny and over-exaggerated. The hints shown in this video do not apply to everyone. Watch the girl you like, her movements and behavior. She might notice that you are noticing her and take a more active interest ;).
Happy Hunting :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How A Dress Can Change Your Life


Here's a fun experiment for you to perform on yourself. For those of you who are squeamish, don't worry, it's nothing sexual ;). From Sunday until Friday, wear a giant t-shirt and sweat pants wherever you go. Make a mental note as to how you feel when you are out wearing these clothes. Then on Friday night or Saturday, try on one of your favorite dresses. Make sure it is a dress that will flatter your body AND your personality. Wear this dress out and compare that mental note with the way you felt when you were out in sweat pants. As shallow as it seems, you did feel different in those sweats didn't you? Don't be ashamed, it's perfectly natural!
How we dress affects how we feel about the ourselves, and thus, how others feel about us. Whether you are a guy or a girl, the way you dress can heighten or dwindle your self-confidence. When you were wearing the t-shirt and sweats, you probably felt either self-conscious, nervous, or extremely relaxed and lazy. When you changed into your favorite dress or suit, you probably felt more confident, alert, and lively. People pick up on how you dress but also on how you present yourself as a whole. If you are dressed in sweats and are lively, people will think of you as a fun, relaxed person. But if you wear sweats and are self-conscious, your body language will be much different. People are attracted to the way you act as well as how you look. If you are at a business meeting, you NEED to look professional ... BUT if you accidentally dress for a business casual event instead of business formal, don't fret. Maybe it's a blessing that you are slightly more casual because you'll feel more comfortable. Also, if you add some casual, spunk to your outfit, you will feel more confident in your own skin because you are maintaining your individuality in the work environment. That spunk might make you sparkle in the eyes of your employer.
So here's a review. Save that money you were going to spend on that confidence book or that how-to get that lover book and spend it on a killer dress instead! You'll feel better about yourself and will be much more motivated in finding that lover, getting that job, exercising... whatever it is you want! Just dress for what you want out of life and let your personality shine through!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Tribute to an Icon


Today classic Hollywood actress and sex icon Jane Russell is 89 years old! Jane Russell was the first woman to show her cleavage in a film in The Outlaw, the first woman to show her stomach in a swim suit in the film The French Line, and starred along-side bombshell Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. She pushed the envelope and is still recognized today as being one of the most successful actresses of classic Hollywood. Happy Birthday Jane, you rock!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cake or Pie??


Cake or Pie?
Let's make it harder to decide.... Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Pie???
Both are so Yummy that my mouth is watering just thinking about it..............HMMMMMMM!
But whenever I ask this question I usually get very confused looks. Most people ask me if it's possible for pie to be chocolate or why I would want to ruin perfectly good chocolate by putting it in pie. I suppose the majority of people accept that chocolate and cake go together.....Hello most birthday cakes are chocolate......but pie just throws them off. Maybe it's the lack of fruit? *Shrugs*
Anyway growing up in a Southern household, full of mostly women mind you, we put chocolate in just about every dessert we could. Chocolate pie was set right next to my Granny's chocolate cake on the table every Thanksgiving since I could remember. So asking me to choose between the two is like asking me to choose between Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom.
My solution is simple: why not have both?
And then my best friend answers "Because my butt would double." LOL!
So which do we choose? Cake or Pie????? Pie or Cake?????
Let me know what you think.

Happy Trails!

Pineapple Daiquiri~~~~ So Yummy!


So Friday night I was at a Going-Away Party for a friend and one of the older ladies of our little drinking group brought a large bowl of frozen Pineapple daiquiris. It was the best drink I have ever had. I must have had at least four glass of the stuff… which probably explains the headache I had Saturday morning. LOL! Anyway she doesn’t hand out the recipe until you’ve earned and I can’t official earn my right to the recipe until next February. So what’s a girl to do? I’ll tell you see goes online and finds some recipes she wants to try out with two of her fav girlfriends. And these are the ones I found. SO enjoy with me! YAY!

Recipe #1 from
1 1/2 oz light rum
4 pineapple chunks
1 tbsp lime juice
1/2 tsp sugar
Combine all ingredients with 1 cup of crushed ice in an electric blender. Blend at a low speed for a short length of time. Pour into a champagne flute and serve.

Recipe #2 from
1/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 cup white rum
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 to 3/4 cup ice cubes
Lime slice or pineapple wedge, for garnish, optional

Combine the pineapple juice, rum, lime juice, sugar, and ice in a cocktail shaker and shake to chill. Strain into a stemmed cocktail glass and serve immediately, garnished with a lime slice or a pineapple wedge, if desired. (Alternatively, daiquiri may be blended in a blender with the ice for a frozen cocktail.)

Happy Trails!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Six Tasty, Cheap European Chocolate


If you want to experience great European chocolate and don't want to spend a fortune on the richest, home-made Belgium chocolate, I have some options for you. These are some absolutely fantastic chocolates for the price. In Ireland, for instance, you can go into these chocolate shops and buy a pack with about 5 or so chocolate bars in them for roughly €5. These cheap chocolates put our M&Ms and Hershey bars to shame.

1. Nestle Aero
Aero milk chocolate bars have tiny air bubbles, which causes the chocolate to melt in your mouth. The chocolate mint flavor is also very nice. This is my favorite chocolate bar ever.
2. Cadbury Flake
Cadbury Flake bars have a unique texture. It literally crumbles in (or on) your mouth. The flavor is similar to an Aero bar. This bar is a typical ornament in an ice cream cone :D.
3. Milka
Milka is chocolate from Kraft. It is creamy and comes in many flavors including hazelnut, almond, and caramel. This is one of three chocolates on this list that can be purchased at Target and Walgreens.
4. Ritter Sport
Ritter Sport is another chocolate that can be purchased at two local shops. My favorite is the original Alpine chocolate.
5. Minstrels
Minstrels is a great competitor of M&Ms, but they are both owned by the Mars company. Minstrels has a chocolate-flavored sugar shell as opposed to the typical sugar-flavored shell. The chocolate is richer and more creamy. The size of the chocolate is slightly larger as well.
6. Cadbury Dairy Milk
Cadbury Dairy Milk is a competitor to Dove/Galaxy and Hershey's bars. I prefer Dairy Milk and Dove to any Hershey's bar. The Dairy Milk chocolate is more creamy and more sweet than a Hershey's bar. Dairy Milk bars can be purchased at almost any grocery store.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sex Advice for the Inexperienced


Not everyone is a sex God or Goddess; in fact, most people probably would not consider themselves as such. That does not mean you can't spice up your love life if you want to. Never be ashamed or embarrassed to try new things. Be confident in your ability to please your partner.

Here are 5 tips for the inexperienced:
1. BE CONFIDENT!! Members of the opposite (or the same) sex will find you more attractive if you believe in yourself.
2. Let your partner guide you. Don't think you know it all because you've read a few books or have gotten compliments in the past. Everyone is different. Don't be offended when your partner is trying to help you help them. Listen to them and allow them to show you how to please them.
3. Be open to change. Sometimes your partner will want to try something new. Don't be offended, be open to new opportunities to bond. If your partner is curious, at least hear their side before getting upset that what you are doing isn't working. Sometimes it IS working. Sometimes they just want to experiment in ways to bring higher levels of pleasure to you both.
4. Research. If you are inexperienced, you should definitely read and research positions, techniques, and foreplay advice. The more you learn the more fun you and your partner will have. Plus it's pretty damn impressive.
5. Be Yourself! Your girl/guy wants you to enjoy YOU or else they wouldn't have you in their bed and in their life. Don't try to be smooth and debonair when you're not. If you are relaxed then you will feel more comfortable and free and so will your partner. Relax and be yourself, that's all they really want.

Here are 5 beginner positions to get you n00bs started ;) :
1. The Soft Rock: This is a great way to please your girlfriend. This is based off of the missionary position. The only difference is that the man, who is on top, is laying completely on the girl. The gentle rocking motion will stimulate her clitoris, enhancing the orgasm.
2. The Head Dangle: This is a great position for you when having sex. If you allow your head to dangle, the blood will rush to your head, causing a euphoric feeling. Also, with your head and upper body dangling, this can be a major turn on for your partner.
3. Hold on Tight: This isn't a position as such but is very effective for girls. Instead of moving with his motions, hold your position, work against it, or grab something to keep still. This added friction will lead to quicker, intense orgasms. You can even experiment with kinky supplies like cuffs or ropes.
4. Chair loving: This allows for upper-body rubbing, hugging, and kissing. Have your partner get on top of you (or you get on them) and go at it. This is great for couples who are having problems feeling close or intimate.
5. Spoon sex: By the description, many of you can guess what this entails. Spoon sex is simply having sex while spooning in bed. With the man behind the woman, he can smell her hair, feel her front, stimulate the clitoris, and hold her. The woman can pull her man closer to her or increase the velocity by grabbing her man's back or ass. This also can be used to increase intimacy in a relationship.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Letting Your Fingers Do the Walking


Ok, ok........ I know what you're thinking. "This chick's blogging about masturbation! WTF!!!"
You would be right in thinking this, at least about the first part. This particular post is going to focus on self-pleasure. Why, you ask. Because why the heck not?
Masturbation is the only form of sex that is completely risk-free, both in the physical sense (sexual transmitted diseases and etc....) and in the emotional sense. Masturbation involves you and you alone. You do not have to focus on a partner's needs or pleasure, only your own. There are also extra benefits from self-pleasuring. Masturbation is a cardio workout without the gym, just like partner sex is. People that masturbate tend to have better circulation, body images, and muscle tone, not to mention extra experience which makes partner sex less awkward and more comfortable. Statics taken in the last couple of years have also shown that women that masturbate tend to enjoy partner sex a great deal more.
That being said.... let's get down to the brass doorknobs. There is no right or wrong way to masturbate. Some folks like using their fingers on their clit or penis. Some folks like some form of penetration as they pleasure themselves. Others can get off just by thinking.
My first orgasm was achieved while I was asleep and having a wet dream that I only vaguely remember. But now a days I tend to stick with a vibrator to have my big O’s. (Which is why I probably need to invest in some earplugs for my future roommates! LOL!)
To bring this to a climax (pun intended! ;D), letting your fingers do the walking is a safe, satisfying experience that I recommend everyone to try at least once. There is nothing dirty or sleazy about getting to know your own body and enjoying the equipment Mother Nature gave you. And you just might learn things about yourself that can help you in other areas of your sex life.
Happy Trails!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chocolate Martini Recipes


Chocolate Martini (Alternative 1):
- 1 1/2 oz chocolate liqueur
- 1 1/2 oz creme de cacao
- 1/2 oz vodka
- 2 1/2 shots half & half

Chocolate Martini (Alternative 2):
- 4 oz chocolate liqueur
- 2 oz vanilla vodka
- splash of half & half

Chocolate Martini (Alternative 3):
- 2 ounces of dark chocolate liqueur
- 2 ounces of creme de cacao
- 1 ounce of half-and-half
- 2 ounces of freezing chocolate vodka

Chocolate Martini (Alternative 4):
- 2 oz base spirit (vodka, light rum or brandy)
- 1/2 oz chocolate liqueur
- 1/2 oz white creme de cacao

Tips: Always shake the liquids to best merge the alcohols; never stir them. Vanilla vodka adds more flavor and smoothness to the drink. Garnishing can be very simple and fun. Chocolate molds, chocolate shavings, powdered chocolate, chocolate syrups, and truffles can be used as decadent and delicious additions.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dita Von Teese: The Queen of Burlesque


Dita Von Teese is perhaps the best known burlesque performer of our time. Her elegant, sensual movements and classy attire has led to her being crowned by society as the Queen of Burlesque. She uses many props in her dances, including a corset of some sort, a martini glass, a sponge in the shape of an ice cube or olive, an absinthe glass, or the famous martini glass.
The following two videos demonstrate the tasteful nature of her performances. The first video, Absinthe, demonstrates her saucy side; however, the second video, the Martini Glass, is more sophisticated and fun.