Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Know When A Girl Is Into You (Tips + Video)


It actually isn't very difficult to tell if a girl is into you. Girls aren't as forward as guys would want them to be but trust me, we give hints and plenty of them. We display our emotions in various, subtle ways: the way we walk, talk, what we say, and body language. I never realized how much of a problem this was for guys until recently and so this is dedicated to three of my friends who apparently have no idea when a girl actually likes them.
Tip no. 1: Girls rarely state their emotions due to fear of criticism. We tend to state how we feel through body language, jokes, and sarcasm. Read between the lines when talking to us. If you notice that the girl talks about relationships a lot, being lonely, or about how you make them feel, she might be interested. Be aware though that girls give a lot of compliments to their friends. Girls will typically look at you and smile or blush, or look away in a shy manner when paying you a compliment that is meant in a more than friendly way.
Tip no. 2: Girls flirt A LOT. They flirt with guys that they don't even have a real interest in. Girls flirt with guys for many reasons: the guy is cute, the guy is interesting, the guy has money, the guy is there, or the girl needs attention or affection. Try talking to her to determine which of these categories you fall into. Don't be offended if you aren't in the category you want to be in, just take it as a compliment and move on. Some girls are flirts in general and will hit on or hint at any guy or girl. Be aware of these girls and try to avoid them, even if they appear to have similar interests. Dating a flirt can be dangerous to the heart as trust will become an issue. If you decide to date a flirt, just be careful and encourage openness in your relationship.
Tip no. 3: Just because a girl likes you doesn't mean she wants to be with you. This may sound stupid and insane but it is true. Sometimes girls will like things about you or genuinely like you but something either in their own life or about your life might prevent them from pursuing anything more with you. Try to find out what the problem is and find a remedy if possible... if you really want the girl. If you don't think she is worth the hassle, don't dwell on it or get upset; move on.
Tip no. 4: I saved this for last because this is the most obvious and subtle of all hints: body language. All girls flirt differently but there are common themes. Girls will try to demonstrate either confidence or shyness to attract a guy. She might try to be one of the guys or more seductive. ALL girls will laugh, blush, smile, glance and look away, or fiddle. Here is a video I found that is helpful. I love these videos because they are so corny and over-exaggerated. The hints shown in this video do not apply to everyone. Watch the girl you like, her movements and behavior. She might notice that you are noticing her and take a more active interest ;).
Happy Hunting :D


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